Thursday, June 13, 2024

Brilliance Metallic Inks on Dark Cardstock

I recently shared projects using Brilliance Inks and a friend asked how they looked on black cardstock. I decided that it was a great idea to swatch them so that I’d have a reference.  

Earlier Projects using Brilliance Metallic Inks

Imagine Crafts Supplies:

Starlite Black, Starlite Silver, Lightning Black, Cosmic Copper, Galaxy Gold, and Platinum Planet Brilliance Inks

Sponge Daubers

Other Supplies:

140 lb. Black Mixed Media Paper by Strathmore

Premier Ink Blending Tools by Hunkydory Crafts

Premier Ink Blending Sponges by Hunkydory Crafts

White Gelly Roll Gel Pen by Sakura of America


I had a scrap of black mixed media cardstock left from a project. I used a Sponge Dauber or foam applicator to apply the inks singly or in combination onto black cardstock, then labeled them with a white gel pen and/or a purple Sharpie pen when the white didn’t show on the silver. I heat set after each application to avoid contaminating my ink pads. 

Notes and Observations about Brilliance Ink:

  • Re-applying another layer of ink after heat setting intensified the opacity and metallic properties of the ink on black cardstock. I’d imagine building up several layers would continue to enhance the inks.
  • The bottom right hand corner of the cardstock was smashed. Applying metallic ink over the crush mark emphasized that textural component! Cool!
  • I applied Starlite Silver and Starlite Black Inks to a Gel Press with a brayer, then pulled a print with black cardstock, which resulted in a lovely silvery mottled metallic finish. Again, a second layer of ink deepened the silver and improved the coverage.
  • FYI: You can apply Metallic Brilliance inks over white chalk finish acrylic paint and over white gesso, which means you can use it on a variety of surfaces. I have not tried Metallic Brilliance Inks over transparent and/or black gesso or Matte Medium. Those will be experiments for another day.
  • Lastly, VersaMagic Inks can be applied over the Metallic Brilliance Inks and yield a nice matte finish.
Thanks for visiting today! 

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